Welcome to Pregnancy Over 40

A healthy pregnancy over 40 IS possible. There was nothing geriatric about my experience. I conceived naturally without any external assistance like IVF or frozen eggs. My pregnancy was without any complications and my baby girl is healthy and beautiful!

Despite all the fears and concerns surrounding pregnancy over 40, the one thing that should never be lost is hope. It is my wish that women see my journey as a nice contrast to what is promoted and discussed in the medical world. I was 47 years old and had a very healthy pregnancy. I believe you can too.

Keep scrolling to learn the meanings of the carefully chosen flowers you see on the merchandise. You have my best wishes for your journey.

Ch-a Mosley
Founder, Pregnancy Over Forty

  • Lily

    Symbol of fertility and rebirth.

  • Iris

    Hope, wisdom, trust and valor.

  • Sunflower

    A long life and lasting happiness.

  • Daisy

    In Norse mythology, the daisy is known as the sacred flower for the goddess of love, beauty and fertility.

  • Tulip

    Perfect and deep love.

  • Daisy

    Daisies can also symbolize purity, innocence, new beginnings, joy and cheerfulness.

Ch-a Mosley

Throughout my pregnancy, I marveled at the miracle unfolding within me. Despite being in my mid-forties, I experienced a healthy pregnancy without a single complication. Not even a hint of swelling! As I carried my baby girl to full term and welcomed her into the world at the age of 47, I became living proof that age is no barrier to a vibrant and thriving pregnancy.

Read My Story