Nutritional Guidelines

Nutritional Guidelines

Let’s dive into the specifics—the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) tailored for pregnant women aged 35 and older.

1. Folic Acid: Aim for 600 micrograms per day. Adequate folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects. Stocks of leafy greens, fortified cereals, and legumes will be your go-to resources.

2. Iron: Set your sights on 27 milligrams daily. Increased blood volume during pregnancy demands it. Think of red meat, beans, and spinach as iron-rich foods that will fortify your strength.

3. Calcium: Strive for 1,000 milligrams to ensure strong bones and teeth for your growing baby. Dairy products, almonds, and fortified plant milks will serve you well.

4. Vitamin D: Aiming for 600 IU is essential for calcium absorption. The sun is a tremendous source, but fortified foods and supplements will fill the gaps when sun exposure isn’t feasible.

As you chart this path, focus on a balanced diet that includes a rainbow of foods. Think of your plate as vibrant artwork, where every color represents different nutrients that contribute to the overarching masterpiece of health.

A healthy pregnancy, even after forty, is possible!

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