
Hello there! I'm Ch-a Mosley, and yes, it's pronounced "Chia" in case you were wondering.

I'm absolutely thrilled to have you visit my site, and I'd love to share a bit of my journey with you. Like many women in today's world, I chose to prioritize education, travel, and life experiences, never intending to wait until 47 to start a family. There always seemed to be plenty of time ahead to settle down and have children. And then suddenly, that time seemed to vanish.

From ages 38 to 41, I was in a relationship with a man who didn't want children. I thought I was okay with it, but deep down, I wasn't. When that relationship ended, I felt like I had "given away" my last childbearing years to someone who didn't share my dreams. From that point on, I assumed motherhood was no longer an option and stopped considering it a goal.

Fast forward a few years, and I found myself in a brand new chapter of life with a man who cherished me. 

Yes, you can also find love after 40! 

At the age of 45, I received the unexpected news that I was pregnant! It was a mix of surprise, shock, and fear all rolled into one. I was so nervous that I couldn't allow myself to get excited. Unfortunately, my fears were confirmed when I experienced a miscarriage at 6 weeks. But, that pregnancy experience reignited my hope that motherhood was still within reach. And lo and behold, less than a year later, I found myself pregnant AGAIN. I feel as lucky as a cat with nine lives! Not only was my conception natural and spontaneous, but my pregnancy was smooth sailing — zero complications, whether age-related or otherwise.

I stand here today as living proof that anything is possible. While I'm not advocating that women purposely wait until they're 40 to start a family, I AM here to encourage women to keep their hopes of conception alive until the very end. I can't stress enough how beautiful motherhood is. It's my greatest success and my greatest joy, and I wish it for every woman who yearns for it.

Whether you're here seeking encouragement for yourself or looking to uplift a woman you know, please know that I'm rooting for you and I wholeheartedly believe in your boundless potential.

A healthy pregnancy, even after forty, is possible! and that